Connect to Your Life's Purpose

an online Tarot Workshop for soul guidance

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Discover Your Life Purpose with the Tarot 

Do you find yourself:

  • Feeling like you are waiting for your life to begin?
  • Unsure which path to follow to your best life?
  • Are you filled with self-doubt despite diligently using affirmations?

You're not alone in these struggles. You are experiencing the first signs of awakening to your true self and power. The next step is to understand who you are and receive soul guidance.

During this interactive workshop, you’ll learn:

  • What is a soul's purpose?
  • Three steps to create alignment and abundance with your purpose.
  • Use the Tarot to determine your life’s purpose and mission statement.
  • BONUS! Get an intuitive reading.

Sign up now to discover your true path and connect to your life's purpose!

No prior tarot experience is required. To get the most out of this workshop, have a tarot deck available.

Hosted by Kristin, Intuitive Coach

I’ve been exactly where you are. I wondered why I felt like a piece of my life was missing - even though I had everything that I had always wanted.

Once I started looking inward, I realized I had dismissed a big part of my life - my intuitive nature. Connecting to my higher self helped me discover who I truly am.

I work with women who are burnt out, tired, and questioning their souls' purpose and path in life and looking for more fulfillment. I help them regain their spark, follow their intuition, to realign their life with their purpose and passions.

Join me for this workshop, where you can take the first steps to finding out who you truly are and why you are here.

Soul Guidance Workshops with Kristin include:


Discover what you are experiencing now, what you want in the future, and what's standing in your way of getting there.  


Uncover your life purpose mission statement with an exclusive soul reading exercise completed during the workshop.


These workshops are interactive and hands-on. This is not just a talk you will half-listen to while doing something else. 

Discover + Connect With Your Life Purpose

Sign up for this interactive, experiential soul guidance workshop with Kristin.

If you can't make it live, a recording will be available. 

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